Welcome to the VentureLab blog, your hub for innovative entrepreneurial education resources and inspiration. Explore engaging ESTEAM articles, discover free educational resources (hands-on activities and downloads) , and get inspired by classroom and individual success stories from our community.

Wacky Inventions Game

Get Creative with the Wacky Inventions Game

Explore the world of inventions with our engaging ‘Wacky Inventions Game’ worksheet. This printable activity is designed to spark creativity and enhance problem-solving skills among students. Download and ignite the spirit of innovation in your classroom today!

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Youth are unstoppable change agents

The Importance of Teaching Grit

Grit is an essential element of the entrepreneurial mindset. It has two parts. One is resilience, a positive response to failure or adversity. The other is perseverance,

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Three children are sitting at a table using laptops and various electronic components for a project. Two girls smile and interact with a laptop while a boy in the background focuses on his work, all part of an engaging youth entrepreneurship education program.

Sing along to the Entrepreneur Song!

It’s never too early to start giving kids the gift of language and the vocabulary they need to think about themselves and the world around them! VentureLab created the Entrepreneur Song as a fun and meaningful way to give students access to the vocabulary around entrepreneurial learning and thinking.

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