ESTEAM Articles

Delve into our ESTEAM Articles and discover the transformative power of integrating entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in your classroom! Our insightful articles for educators explore the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach, share practical strategies for engaging students, and showcase how ESTEAM education fosters critical thinking, creativity, and resilience.

Find out more about the rise of ESTEAM in STEM Education.

What is ESTEAM and entrepreneurship education

ESTEAM: 6 Ways to View STEAM through an Entrepreneurial Lens

When youth are exposed to entrepreneurial thinking, a profound change takes place. They become more aware of opportunities around them, develop powerful problem-solving skills, and improve their abilities to think critically and creatively. VentureLab believes that innovation and discovery happen at the intersection of multiple disciplines- we call it ESTEAM (entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, arts, and math).

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Help Girls to Learn How Creative Steam Can Be

Discover how VentureLab encourages girls to embrace the STEM fields by showcasing the inherent creativity in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (eSTEAM). Learn about the transformative experiences and educational approaches that can guide more girls towards innovative eSTEAM careers.

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Developing Free-Range Curiosity

Explore the concept of ‘free-range curiosity’, where simple natural observations like feathers can inspire deep questions and lead to expansive learning. This article delves into how nurturing curiosity can connect children with nature and potentially guide them towards innovative environmental solutions.

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nurturing curiosity in education

Curiosity: Growing Resilient Lifelong Learners

Discover the pivotal role of curiosity in cultivating resilient and engaged lifelong learners. Learn valuable insights on how encouraging inquisitive thinking from a young age can empower children to navigate and thrive in uncertain environments, fostering a proactive and adaptable mindset.

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nerd is the new cool

Wanted: Entrepreneurs

“True entrepreneurs are rare—and getting rarer. Yet it is crucial to our economy and national security that we find them,” says Jim Clifton, CEO of

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