VentureLab Celebrates National Mentorship Month with a Spotlight on Spark 2023 Graduates

Youth Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program and Mentorship Month

As National Mentorship Month is wrapping up, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the transformative power a mentor can have on a young entrepreneur. In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, mentorship can be a guiding light for young entrepreneurs. VentureLab is fostering this through the Spark Startup Materials & ESTEAM® Mentorship Program. In December our most recent cohort Spark mentees celebrated their commencement from the program.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but in the VentureLab Spark Mentorship & Materials Program, mentees find a supportive community that keeps them accountable and motivated, developing those crucial entrepreneurial mindsets. Spark Mentors provide guidance in setting SMART goals, growing their network, and taking their business idea to the next level.

Mentorship helps mentees and mentors

The impact of mentoring on both the mentor and mentee can be seen in this reflection from  Spark mentee Alain’s mentor about their AMA (“Ask Me Anything”)  session with former Spark Alumni Sage: 

“This pair really provided valuable feedback and knowledge to each other. Kudos to them for knowing each other's lingo, being very aware of their business market and retail! The bonus was our Guest speaker is wanting to do more for my Mentee! He wants to help assist with his artwork as far as getting his digital copy ready for vinyl, featuring the mentees's already curated prototype and is sending him a free t-shirt as a token of his appreciation! I believe my mentee and guest had a wonderful session. Both feeling seen and heard. As well as, finding someone who has the same entrepreneurial dream. Our AMA guest was so appreciative he'd like to continue after our session to follow my mentees's journey!”

These connections through mentorship open doors to partnership opportunities, industry events, and potential customers, all which maximizes the mentees’ chances of success.

Building self-confidence through Entrepreneurial Mindsets:

Finally, a significant outcome of the Spark mentorship program is the remarkable growth in mentees’ self-confidence. Through the guidance and validation provided by their mentors, mentees develop a strong belief in their abilities. This newfound self-confidence empowers them to take calculated risks, embrace challenges, and approach entrepreneurship with an optimistic outlook. It becomes the fuel that drives them forward in the face of adversity.

Congratulations Spark 2023 Cohort 9!

To the amazing mentors that have supported and worked with them throughout this 4 month program, a huge heartfelt thanks for your time, talents & expertise.

As youth continue their entrepreneurial journeys with the support of mentors, we have confidence they will do so equipped with the skills, support, and inspiration needed to succeed as the next generation of diverse innovators.

Are you interested in bringing Spark to your community? Reach out to Scott Mann, our Director of Education, or sign up for our updates below.

Special thanks to the Burton D. Morgan Foundation for supporting the young entrepreneurs of North East Ohio and helping to make this opportunity possible. 

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