Social EntrepreneurshipProgram

About the program:

With the Social Entrepreneurship Program, students grow their entrepreneurial mindsets and skills as they apply their passions and strengths to creatively solve societal challenges. Youth design their solution through the design thinking process, carry out market research, create a sustainable business model, and present their idea in a culminating pitch presentation.

The program is available for grades 9-12.

Recommended for: Outside School Time – OST (afterschool, camps, summer, 21st Century Community Learning Centers – CCLC), extended learning, existing STEM programs, any enrichment and supplementary programs

The Social Entrepreneurship program consists of:
A young woman in a social entrepreneurship program, with a straw hat writing on a clear board, her reflection visible, in a brightly lit room.

Professional Development

Three young students, two girls and a boy, intently look at a computer screen in their social entrepreneurship program, showing curiosity and engagement. The boy wears glasses.

Curriculum Resources

A smiling young woman involved in a social entrepreneurship program, holding up an open notebook and a pair of earphones close to the camera in a circular frame.

Pitch Event Experience

A young girl with her hair in a bun, wearing a striped shirt, intently uses a laptop at a desk in a warmly lit room, participating in an agriculture entrepreneurship program.

Impact Post-Survey

Professional Development

Educators are inherently entrepreneurial as they empathize to understand the needs of their clients, constantly iterate to improve their service, and persist daily to overcome obstacles and challenges!


  • Training: 3 hours and virtual, unlimited seating
  • Scheduling: Custom schedule to fit your needs
  • Coaching: Up to four 60-minute coaching sessions during the program

"I really enjoyed the activities. I think it’s important to get adults out of their comfort zones and it’s a chance for us to experience what the students would."


The Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum includes a thorough instructor’s guide and student handouts.

Cover of the "social entrepreneurship program for high school" booklet, featuring two students working on a project.

Instructor Guide

Three sheets of paper containing bullet-pointed text titled "social entrepreneurship program rules," with visible red and green markers on top.

Student Handouts

Pitch Event Experience

The final day of the program is the Pitch Event! Invite family, friends, and community members to see the courage, confidence, and ideas your students have developed. To prepare for the event, our Idea to Pitch Program provides:

  • Pitch Event Planning Guide: Everything you need to plan and run a pitch event
  • Templates & Certificates: From emails to awards to press releases, all the resources necessary to run an event
Students presenting a project in front of an audience and judges at a social entrepreneurship program event.

Impact Post-Survey

Free Curriculum Through fun, hands-on lessons

Assess and improve your entrepreneurship program and use the collected data for reporting and evaluation. End of of program survey (10-20 minutes each) for the following:

  • Instructor
  • Student (grades 9-12)

Bring Social Entrepreneurship to your youth:

Contact VentureLab to get started:

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