The Wyoming Afterschool Alliance, 4-H, and VentureLab reframe the word “entrepreneur”

quote about being intentional about teaching entrepreneurship

The word entrepreneur is often narrowly defined as starting a business. We recognize that it’s more than that and so does the afterschool and 4-H community.

In partnership with the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance, VentureLab hosted a panel of Extension educators from Ohio, Missouri, and Nebraska for the University of Wyoming Extension’s Annual Conference.

These youth development professionals spoke with VentureLab’s Director of Education, Scott Mann, about how entrepreneurial mindsets and skills are cross-cutting and can be applied within and beyond 4‑H programming.

… Opening minds to different opportunities is great, but you have to be intentional… It’s not about kids starting a business, it’s about connecting them to an entrepreneurial mindset and about how things that they’re learning through 4-H and entrepreneurial programs can be applied throughout their lives: the resourcefulness, willingness to take risks… so I think it’s about intentionality.

Marissa Mulligan, Ohio 4-H

Watch some excerpts from the panel discussion to learn more!

Learn about the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance’s work in youth entrepreneurship.

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