New course: Entrepreneurial Mindsets for Educators

Entrepreneur course for teachers

Think of a child in your life, any age, as they move forward through a typical school day and afterschool activities. Imagine all of the academic tasks and social encounters they have.

They are asked to do A LOT!
Multiples times a day youth are asked to:

  • Be vulnerable in front of peers yet remain confident
  • Try something new and fail yet stay optimistic
  • Repeatedly practice difficult skills with a growth mindset
  • Think about the future while being present in the moment

We, as educators, must ask the same of ourselves. 

We must must practice and model the same entrepreneurial thinking we ask of youth.
VentureLab invites you to join the Entrepreneurial Mindset Course for Educators to practice and grow the same mindsets that you want to see in the youth you serve. 

Use the coupon code BLOG20 to access the course at 20% off.

This course is for ANYONE that directly or indirectly influences a youth or the education system, from parent to teacher, volunteer or administrator, during school or afterschool.

The evidence based program uses best practices in adult learning theory and can be used by individuals or groups seeking to imbue their culture with empathy, adaptability, optimism…all the entrepreneurial mindsets and skills. 

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