An entrepreneurial mindset is an accelerated growth mindset.
In acquiring such a mindset, not only do girls learn that they can make themselves smarter, they learn that they have the potential to think of new ideas that have practical applications.
That might be fancy language for a 5-year-old so it would be better expressed for a child this way: Girls have good ideas. We are interested in their ideas. Their ideas matter. For 5-year-old girls, that’s a remarkable message.
Certainly there are many wonderful parents who already impart this message to their daughters. But by teaching this in entrepreneurial classes at VentureLabs, we are not leaving it to chance. We’re ensuring that all girls learn that their thoughts and ideas are valuable and worth pursuing.
This is borne out by efforts of such groups as the Girl Scouts of America. A study released by the Girl Scout Institute, “How Girl Scout STEM Programs Benefit Girls,” found that girls not only understand the importance of STEM and STEAM literacy, but they come to realize that “scientists and engineers work on things that help people, and that STEM professionals make a difference in the world. This change in perception directly impacts what girls value for themselves, as well, as they come to feel more strongly that it is important for them to learn as much science in school as possible.” This feeds into the entrepreneurial mindset.
But it’s important that girls learn these things early on, that we recognize their ability to grow, to challenge themselves—as boys do. The differences between girls and boys doesn’t limit what either gender can achieve. But improving their chances to achieve requires that we make an informed effort to find the most effective teaching methods for each, for both girls and for boys. Instead of denying their differences we must understand their vital role in determining the most effective methods for teaching and communicating with both girls andboys.
I’d love to hear about your experiences in demonstrating to the girls in your life that you’re interested in their ideas, and how these girls respond to such encouragement. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your comments.